What is unique about christianity among world religions

Questioning your faith is often about questioning multiple faiths, really. The world offers many paths to enlightenment, divinity, illumination, and different types of salvation. It can all be rather confusing, so let’s review a breakdown of major world religions as an introduction. This will help you discern what is what, and to understand the origins of many of the beliefs you come across in society today.

Discern prayerfully – ask the One True God to reveal Himself to you and to make His truth known to you in the person of Christ. Once you know the truth, it becomes easier to see what is not, and to understand your path of faith better from there on.

Is jesus god?

did jesus exist? 

What makes Christianity different? 

Aren’t all religions essentially the same? 

China is a nation with a great history, and the Lord has His hand in their history, too. Today, the Christian community in China is one of the largest in the world, despite persecution under Communism (or perhaps as a result to it!). 

The Chinese people’s religions are Taoism, Confucianism and Buddhism since the 5th century BC. Records indicate that for the first 2000 years, the Chinese worshiped one supreme God as described and characterized by the Old Testament, not hundreds of deities.  Check out this video for more information on how the Lord has drawn and continues to draw the Chinese people to Him.


Buddhism is a religion originating in eastern and central Asia, from the teaching of Siddhārtha Gautama. It is based on the idea that suffering in life is inevitable and the only way to rise above it is to develop wisdom, virtue, and concentration. 

Christianity is different from all other religions. They deal with the story of man’s search for God.

The Gospels deals with the story of God’s search for man.

 – Dewi Morgan



Taoism or Daoism is a belief system based on simple and balanced living, especially in harmony with nature. It is in line with the trend of minimalistic living, keeping things simple in the hope of achieving more enlightenment, immortality, and divinity.

It is at first appealing, but at its core, it is of course incorrect and does not align with Biblical theology and doctrine.

major world religion taoism definition


Islam is different to other world religions in the sense that it’s both a lifestyle and a belief system requiring daily commitments. Muslims believe in one God, Allah, and strive to live in fierce submission to His will.

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