
Give praise to the Lord, proclaim his name;
make known among the nations what he has done.
– Psalm 105:1

Evangelism Resources for Everyone

Interested in sharing your faith with others? Wonderful!

There’s nothing like it.

The following evangelism resources will help you share the message of the Gospel effectively with others.

ray comfort - living waters

living waters evangelism

Learn the Biblical principles of evangelism and gain practical tools to be able to go out and share the message of the Gospel with confidence and clarity.

way of the master

This is the YouTube channel of Living Waters. Enjoy various helpful videos on various topics.

are you a good person?

Do you think you’re a good peson?

Do you think that you are doing enough good things in life to go to heaven when you die?

These are good questions to ask. Check out this video for important answers that can change your life.

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