
He who walks with wise men will be wise,
But the companion of fools will suffer harm. – Proverbs 13:20

This site is not intended to take the place of being in a local Bible-believing, Bible-preaching church.

The following mentors listed below have excellent content that can answer many of your questions about faith, walking with God, prayer, life, and more. Spend some time learning from those who speak to the season you’re currently walking through in your life and trust God to speak to you through them.

christian mentors

JOHN macarthur

john macarthur
John MacArthur is a practical Bible teacher whose Grace to You YouTube channel is all about teaching Biblical truths that equip you to live God's plan for your live and impact others in doing so.


john barnett
Dr John Barnett teaches about prayer and the Word by combining ancient Biblical history with church history and explains how it connects to daily life. His Discover the Book Ministry comprises free audio, video and text Bible studies.

R. c. SProul

Ligonier Ministries content was created by R.C. Sproul and focuses on discipleship - helping believers understand how to say what they believe, why they believe it and how to live it out.

todd friel
This is a ministry directed by Todd Friel, Christian author and radio and TV host. This organization focuses on producing various types of media to teach Biblical truth in a culturally relevant way.

joe kirby

joe kirby
Joe Kirby is the guy behind Off-the-Kirb Ministries, sharing motivational and street-preaching-style content to help new believers grow in the faith. He is based in the UK.  

david jeremiah

david jeremiah
Founder of Turning Point, Dr. David Jeremiah has been preaching and teaching the Word for over 50 years, and written many books. He is passionate about helping believers grow and understand their faith.

Whoever is wise, let him heed these things and consider the great love of the LORD.

– Psalm 107:43

These are all excellent Bible teachers and time spent on listening to and reading their content will be a wise investment.

That said, be careful not to give yourself “spiritual indigestion” by consuming content from too many teachers all at once. Start with one you are most drawn to and whose content speaks most to where you are at in your life right now.

Practical tip:

Take it slow and steady, keep a journal and make notes of messages that stand out to you. Write down how you will apply what you learn in your daily life, work, relationships, and family. This effort will pay off more than you can imagine. It is what building your life on a solid foundation is all about.

glen nudd

glen nudd christian mentor
Pastor Glen Nudd leads the Rocky Mountain Calvary Chapel and his focus is to teach the Word as simply as possible, making the message of the faith accessible and easy to understand for everyone.

stephen armstrong

stephen armstrong
Founder of Verse-by-Verse Ministry International, you'll get non-denominational, historically and theologically correct Biblical teaching on the entire Bible, front to back, in a way that's easy to understand and puts Scripture and its interpretation in the right context.

Dr. voddie baucham

Dr. Voddie Baucham is a pastor from Texas who teaches theology at the African Christian University in Zambia. An expert on apologetics, he teaches on the relevance of Christ's sovereignty in the post-modern world, and has a passion for equipping men to lead their families in the faith.

Sermons &audio books

This is a YouTube channel comprising material from excellent Bible teachers of the past, such as Charles Spurgeon, Jonathan Edwards, A.W. Tozer, A.W. Pink, John Owen, J. C. Ryle, Andrew Murray, Thomas Watson, John Bunyan, and others, covering various aspects of Christian living.

daniel maritz

daniel maritz
Daniel Maritz is the creator of DLM Christian Lifestyle - an online platform he uses to talk about life questions and topics, and encourages you to keep going on your personal growth journey with God. You can also watch his videos on YouTube and on XOTV.

paul washer

Paul Washer is a believer from Texas who worked in Peru as a missionary and founded the HeartCry Missionary Society there which supports other church planters His messages are straightforward, taking  you through how to live out the Scripture in daily life.

milton vincent

Milton Vincent is as Pastor-Teacher at Cornerstone Fellowship Bible Church, CA. His journey started with a struggle to understand how God justified him through Christ's work. This remains one of his core teachings today. focused on the grace of God extended to everyone.

Chuck Swindoll

Chuck Swindoll
Chuck Swindoll is the founder of Insight for Living Ministries where he focuses on helping believers walk in truth, understand grace, and grow in their daily practical walk with Christ.

john piper

John Piper
Chuck Swindoll is the founder of Insight for Living Ministries where he focuses on helping believers walk in truth, understand grace, and grow in their daily practical walk with Christ.

Charles stanley

Dr. Charles Stanley is the founder of In Touch Ministries, where they focus on helping people worldwide develop a growing relationship with Christ. Dr. Charles Stanley teaches and writes on practical aspects of living out your faith in Christ.
Dr. Charles Stanley is the founder of In Touch Ministries, where they focus on helping people worldwide develop a growing relationship with Christ. Dr. Charles Stanley teaches and writes on practical aspects of living out your faith in Christ.

phil johnson

phil johnson
Phil Johnson is a radio host for Grace to You, a media ministry that shares John McArthur's content. He is a scholarly bibliophile, always studying the Word and various facets of theology. 

back to the bible canada

back to the bible
This is a Canadian Bible-teaching media ministry reaching unbelievers with message of Jesus and discipling them towards maturity in the faith.

back to the bible u.s.

back to the bible
This organisation focuses on using various media to help people interact with the Word, faith, Christ, and the community of believers. 

mentors For women

grace gems

woman of grace
Grace Gems is a treasury of encouragement and instruction in the form of devotional pieces, books, audio and video material, and commentaries. They also have material on motherhood, parenting, and character development, and various Christian classics.

joni eareckson tada

joni eareckson tada
Joni and Friends Ministry teaches Biblical truths and does disability ministry internationally, doing outreaches and discipleship in affected communities and families. They also raise awareness of the need for inclusion in Christian fellowship.

anne graham lotz

anne graham lotz
Anne is the daughter of the late Billy Graham, and a powerfully gifted evangelist in her own right. A bestselling author and speaker around the world, her message continues the legacy of her father, calling people to relationship with Christ and His Word.

kay arthur

Kay Arthur is a well-known, practical Bible teacher and founder of Precept Ministries. She has written over 100 books and continues to teach with writing and speaking engagements, making the Word personal and relevant to all who listen.
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