
Always begin with prayer

Even if it is only to say, “God, here I am. I’m listening. Help me.”

Before starting with any Bible study resources, your first and best resource is always prayer – talking to God and learning how to hear His voice is where it all starts. If you’re worried about how to pray, what words to say, the best place to start is just with being yourself. 

Talk to God as you would to a friend sitting next to you. He wants to hear what is on your mind, even though He already knows.

It’s about sharing who you are with the One who made you.

If you’re struggling to start, go to the book of Psalms in the Bible. Every prayer you’ll ever think of will be in there in some shape or form!

For more help on starting a helpful, fruitful habit of prayer in your life, check out Wells of Prayer for free content on the site and on the Wells of Prayer podcast.

New and mature believers can find much value in this content, regardless of the season you are in.


daily devotional

An easy way to combine your prayer and Bible study is by using devotionals that guide you on a portion of Scripture to read every day, and provide points or questions to reflect on and pray about.

It is a practical way to stay on track and gives you something to look forward to every day, knowing you will read the next word for the day and it will likely be EXACTLY what you needed.

This is why Scripture calls it your daily bread!

how to live the christian life

Learning to live the Christian life is a lifelong journey of discovery, growth through trials and challenges, and walking with the Holy Spirit through your daily tasks and activities. It is helpful to be encouraged on this journey, especially when it feels like you are walking through seasons were you struggle to understand what God is doing and how things will turn out.

Check out this video by Chip Ingram for more reassurance that you are not alone in this journey!

Things jesus said

What Jesus said about the Bible

What Jesus said about God

What Jesus said about who He is

What Jesus said about following Him

What Jesus said about resurrection - Part 1

What Jesus said about resurrection - Part 2

What Jesus said about life

What Jesus said about following Him

What Jesus said about life after death

your manual for life

on bible study

Online Bible Commentary

Online Bible commentaries are useful resources to dive deeper into the meaning of Scripture and to understand what you’re reading.

Prayer and Bible study go together, forming your dialogue with God. From the Old Testament demonstrating the Father heart of God wanting to give people a way to live, do right, and prosper, to the warnings of the prophets, the Gospels illustrating the character of Christ and the letters to the churches that explain the grace of God that saves us and empowers us, it’s ALL in there.

Let your study of the Bible fill you, heal the broken places in your life with the truth of how God sees you, redeem everything that went wrong, and lead you onward with power, purpose, and direction that extends beyond this life to eternity with God.

Trust God to give you understanding in time, courage to trust and obey, and the patience to persevere.

The resources below will provide a good starting point.

If you would like a Christian mentor to help walk the road with you, click here.

animated, interactive bible

iBible is an organization that is set on creating a fully animated, interactive version of the Bible, using 90% Scripture and nothing added to it (no extra background stories or dialogue or characters).

It’s completely free to enjoy. Check it out with your kids for quality time in the Word!

christian sermons, audiobooks & ebooks

If you’re always on the go and looking for helpful Christian teaching that you can take with you, save these 3 helpful links:

fulfilled bible prophecies

Bible gateway

The online Bible for everyone

Bible Gateway is a searchable online Bible, enabling you to study in more than 200 versions and 70 languages from anywhere. 

It also includes a variety of audio Bibles, a mobile app, daily devotionals, newsletters and various other helpful resources.

treasury of scripture knowledge

treasury of scripture knowledge

A great tool for digging deep into Scripture

The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge is a comprehensive resource with a user-friendly reference system that allows you to find references and cross-references easily. (Cross-references show you each verse connected or related to the one you’re currently reading.)

This tool helps you understand how Scripture explains itself through various themes and prophecies and their fulfillment in the past, present and future.

bible study

verse-by-verse bible studies

Teaching in various forms - equipping believers with the truth

Verse-by-verse Ministry International is a non-denominational, non-profit organization focused on teaching the Word of God clearly and correctly in its historical and theological context and equip believers to have an impact by living out the Gospel of Christ.

useful charts for bible study

useful charts

Explore world history visually

The button below will take you to a YouTube channel full of useful charts that illustrate history. The channel is run by Matt Baker who holds a PhD in education and religion.

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