
But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect.

– 1 Peter 3:15

what is apologetics?

Apologetics is the ability to defend your faith through argumentation and discussion. It’s about being sure of what you believe, and having the ability to explain it from different angles and viewpoints.

Is someone questioning your faith and you’re struggling to answer? This page provides resources that enable you to articulate:

  • In Whom you believe
  • Why you believe
  • And the foundations of the faith

It’s about critical thinking and understanding the foundations of the faith. Don’t worry if this is all brand new to you. This is what online resources are for!

The One-Minute Apologist

what is apologetics

This is a site where host, speaker and author Bobby Conway discusses big questions such as the purpose of life, whether God exists and whether miracles are possible. It’s a safe space to talk about these apologetic topics and listen to interviews with some of the best apologetic experts in the world, and get genuine answers. 

Stand to Reason

greg koukl

Stand to Reason is a ministry that focuses on training you to think clearly and critically about your faith, and know how to defend Christian values when challenged in public.

If you want to learn how to answer tough questions with Biblical reasoning, this is a great resource.

josh mcdowell

christian mentor

Josh McDowell Ministry is focused on providing believers with content that helps them apply the Christian faith in a relevant, reliable and relational way to their everyday life.

With various resources in different formats, they are accessible to everyone – believers, leaders, churches and ministries all over the world.

dr. sean mcdowell

sean mcdowell

Dr. Sean McDowell has a passion for equipping the new generation to stand up for Christianity and defend it with sound Biblical reasoning and theology.

A regular author, speaker and teacher, he offers a leading blog on apologetics, a podcast and over 20 books.

Cave to the cross apologetics

This channel takes books and topics on philosophy and theology and provide easy-to-understand overviews. It’s a great introduction to apologetics.

north american mission board

The North American Mission Board is all about reaching North Americans with the Gospel of Christ. Their page on Apologetics is helpful to answering your own and others’ questions about living out the Christian faith.


This website provides you with comprehensive, world-class Biblical training from some of the top Bible teachers in the world. If you’d like to do some foundational courses and/or earn certificates or diplomas, check out this website.

For those interested in a deeper dig into Bible Archaeology:

Now that you’ve seen some info on how to defend your faith, how about sharing it with others? Click here for resources on evangelism.

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