You probably still have many more frequently asked questions coming up. Questions about the faith, heaven, hell, the meaning and purpose of life, etc. This is normal, and many of those questions do have answers. This page will help you find them.

Now that you’re a believer and have given your life to Christ as your Lord and Savior, you will learn how to walk with Him daily and listen to His voice. Begin responding to His gentle promptings in your heart regarding your daily decisions, relationships, work, family, finances, business, and life in general.

Build a daily practice of prayer and reading the Word into your life — this is your strength, wisdom, and power.

Others may not like the changes in your life and may reject, criticize, and persecute you. Christ is your comfort and example. You may lose some friendships and build new ones. You may start doing different things than before and stop doing other things that no longer serve you. This is all part of growth.

Let God direct your next steps.

Seek his will in all you do, and he will show you which path to take. – Proverbs 3:6 NLT

How do I tell others about Jesus?

How do I tell others about Jesus?

So much has changed inside of you and your heart is on fire with excitement to tell someone. Telling someone is called testifying, sharing your testimony of what happened, what Jesus is doing in and for you.

There is great power in sharing your testimony because it cements what you believe. It adds action to your faith and inspires others, bringing something good out of everything you’ve been through.

When sharing with others, keep it simple. Be real and be yourself. Don’t start talking like someone you’re not, and don’t attempt to push the other person into the same decision. Just share your story and let God draw their hearts closer.

The changes in your life will form part of your testimony and may prompt others to ask what it’s all about. Then you can share and direct them to this website! The video below will also be a great help in explaining the Gospel Message to others.

The Bridge Gospel Illustration

More frequently asked questions

about dying, death, and the afterlife

Are you afraid of death and dying? Many people fear death because physical death is a reality — no one leaves this life without dying. Physical death is the separation of the soul from the body.  

However, death is not the end but the beginning of life everlasting. Death is not a destination — it’s a portal from the temporal to the eternal. The eternal side has one of two destinations where you spend eternity, and you choose that destination here on earth.

Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me” – John 14:6. Jesus is the only way to Heaven and if you don’t choose Him, by default you choose Hell and will pay the price for your own sins. There is no in-between or second chance once you’re standing in God’s presence.

According to the Bible, Heaven is a wonderful place and Hell is full of unspeakable horrors with no reprieve.

For the Christian there is no pain in death, the pain is in life.
When a Christian dies, there is an end to life’s pain.
Death is the pain killer, not the pain maker.
It is not a loss to die—it is a lasting, perpetual gain.

Psalm 23:4 says, “Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I fear no evil, for You are with me…”

Dr. David Jeremiah related a story that the pastor and theologian Donald Gray Barnhouse told his kids while on their way home from their mother’s funeral. They were standing on a street corner when an enormous truck came by, casting its shadow briefly over them. He turned to his kids and asked, “Kids, would you rather have been hit by the shadow or by the truck?”

They replied, “We’d rather be hit by the shadow!” He explained that salvation means that the truck hit our Savior on the cross when he died so that only the shadow of death would be able to touch us. Christ took the full impact of our sin, so we would only get the shadow. As Christians, this means we have nothing to fear.

You can be free from the fear of death as well, if you choose life in Christ.

What happens to us when we die

god is with you in your old age

If you are in your golden years and wondering what awaits you, you need not be afraid. No one dies alone, God knows about every single soul and cares for each one.

Although it may seem like society today ignores and forgets the elderly, God does not. God has a plan for you, no matter your age or the season of your life. If you are having fears about growing old, be encouraged by this Scripture and the link to more encouraging content below:

And I will still be carrying you when you are old. Your hair will turn gray, and I will still carry you. I made you, and I will carry you to safety. – Isaiah 46:4 

about death and the afterlife

about heaven

You may have many questions about heaven, such as:

  • Is it real? 
  • Do I get to go there if I’m good enough and do enough good things for other people?
  • Do people who commit suicide go to heaven?
  • How can I be sure heaven is real and that I can go there when I die?

These are normal questions to have and ask, because even Scripture says in Ecclesiastes 3 :11 that God put eternity in man’s hearts. You are created for a life that extends further than just your short life here on this earth. Watch the video here for more info that will help you answer your questions.

About hell

If you have questions about heaven, it’s only likely that you also have questions about hell, such as:

  • Where is hell?
  • Do people really go to hell? Do they really burn forever?
  • Why does hell exist if God is a loving God?
  • How can I keep from going to hell?

The video here may help answer some of your questions on this subject. 

about false teaching

There are many false teachers and false teachings out there. If you are a new believer, you may find this very worrying, especially when it comes to figuring out who is telling the truth and who isn’t.

Fortunately, the Bible is full of Scriptures that help you learn wisdom and discernment. By their fruit you will know them (Matthew 7:16).

When you click the button below, you will be taken to a website called, where you can put in any question you like and find Biblical answers!

bible questions and answers
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